Our story

Why is it impossible to buy grade-A LiFePO4 cells?
I'd like to introduce myself, explain a bit about the Lithium market, and why you should buy your batteries from Sinopoly USA.
My name is Alex Dorsey. In 2002 I set off on a journey to sail the world and I'm still at it. I single-handed across the Pacific in 2006 on a 28' sailboat. Now, nearly twenty years later, I'm still sailing the world but with my wife Carla (Argentina) and our two rescue dogs Nacho and Chewie (www.projectbluesphere.com).
In mid 2019 I became interested in LiFePo4 batteries. As we live full-time off of our solar energy system, the upgrade to LiFePO4 was a practical and logical step. I knew finding a good source of LiFePO4 cells was key. After six months of research, I decided on an Alibaba supplier that was "verified" and purchased my sixteen A-quality (paid more for A) 200ah cells under the "Trade Assurance" program. I did everything right, or at least I thought I did?
Well, after receiving my cells nearly two months later, I tested them thoroughly and was more than unhappy with the results. Testing large capacity cells is a long and arduous process that most people do not do. Two of my cells were unusable and the supplier was compelled to replace them, which he did. I was now the proud owner of 18 B quality cells which the "trade assurance" program would not right three and a half months after placing my order. They worked well enough but I had to adjust my charging profile and I know I won't get the lifespan from them that was advertised by the manufacturer.
Now, that being said, there is absolute value to grade-B cells and/or purchasing used cells. My grade-B LiFePO4 battery bank far outperforms any other battery technology I've had in my 31 years of sailing, and I have had them all. Grade B just isn't what I wanted or paid for. I expected my hard-earned investment to last 12+ years, which I know it will not.
I was determined to get answers. Why is is so hard for Americans and Europeans to buy A-quality LiFePO4 cells? The answer is long and complicated but you have to understand how the industry works, what the laws are in China, shipping regulations for lithium, and understand the United States trade war with China.
Firstly, every A-quality cell that is produced is already sold. The world is desperately trying to fight global warming and move to clean energy solutions. That means lithium powered electric vehicles, and utility scale lithium storage solutions. The truth is the industry is working at capacity and factories are not focused on B2C business (you and me).
Secondly, anywhere between 3-12% of a manufacturing run of cells are considered B as some factories have very high quality requirements. It is illegal for a Chinese manufacturer to export B-quality cells abroad, they must be sold very cheaply to the Chinese people, who in turn sell them on Alibaba and other platforms to the world market. Other people buy them in bulk and they end up on Amazon and eBay, and others build them into off-brand battery packs. This is why everyone keeps getting sub-par and bloated cells, and cells that just don't last that long.
As far as shipping costs, you must also realize a few things. Due to Covid, the cost of a shipping container has soared from about $1,500 to nearly $8,000 in the last year.

You must also understand that there is a 25% trade war tariff on importing these batteries into the United States aside from the normal 2.5% import tax. So if you buy $10,000 in cells you will have to pay $2,750 in import duty to the United States not including shipping, insurance, special lithium handling, or storage.
If you do a little research, and please do, you will be surprised as to all the costs and safety regulations, and how difficult it is to buy true grade-A LiFePO4 battery cells.
Well, I was determined to find a way. I spent eight months communicating with various Chinese factories and making contacts. The Lithium market is like the old west gold rush. Everyone is fighting to position themselves in the stream in the most profitable way. Despite all the competition, I ended up making a few good friends along the way and forged a solid relationship with Sinopoly. Sinopoly is one of the largest and oldest producers of LiFePO4 cells in the industry. Really a great group of people that are not only dedicated to producing the highest quality batteries, but have deep environmental roots as well.
This is how sinopolyusa.com, and sinopolyeu.com were born.
After eight months of negotiating, I was able to slice a small piece of a very large pie for the DIY LiFePO4 community.
What I can promise you is access to true A-quality LiFePO4 battery cells direct from the Sinopoly factory at a fair price. During the first few months of my business, I will be shipping directly from the Sinopoly factory in China, but I'll be warehousing my stock in Canada & Italy for distribution to the Americas & Europe.
My intention is to sell to the B2C community however my main focus is B2B operations and helping others set up their own business around the world as I am approved to offer wholesale pricing from Sinopoly.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us.
Sail far and live slowly.
- Alex